SEO (Search Engine Optimation)

SEO is a way of optimizing a website to be displayed on the main page on a site search. The point is that if someone types a word search on the box in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN so we can web address appears on the first page of search in accordance with the criteria of the keywords the user searched.

Content is the key
This has become a necessity! because if the web we do not frequently updated automatically makes people lazy to re-visit our web. Moreover, if we want to live longer with our web visitors who are always many, the update contents.

Fill in the keyword tags with the words in accordance with the keyword so that easily found.

What do we update the rankings in google or another search engine? Relation is, when we frequently updated website will invite people to visit our website, if our web many visitors it will also improve our web position in search engines.

Back Link and quality
Back link is a link of ours that are displayed on the website of others. Quality back links can affect page rank (rank) websites. The higher the page rank the search engines rate our website contains content (content) website that ‘qualified’ to be displayed on the search results. Quality back links are from websites that put a link to our website. Another way is diligent to comment on the web / other blogs with our web address listed there. In addition, by registering such posts to social bookmarking:,,,,

Domain addresses are in line
In the election the first time a domain address, try to contain elements of keywords (keyword search) from the vision of our web missions. Address more suitable than the for an online shopping web bookstores and book stores since the word can be more easily and fits found by potential visitors.

Make a Title Tag and Meta tags
Tag title
Tag description
Tag keywords

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